A pioneer sugar company in south India having vast experience in the field of Sugar, Power and Alcohol production.
The company was established in 1985 and has three sugar plants located in Tamilnadu, India, with a cane crushing capacity of 11,000 Tonnes of cane crush per day and 23 lakh tonnes of sugar cane in a year.
Conventional sugar plant uses raw water for sugar processing and dump the surplus condensate as waste to the environment. Whereas in our sugar factory instead of raw water, excess condensate generated from the sugarcane is used for sugar processing since the sugarcane itself contains 70% of water. Apart from the above around 300 m3 per day of II body condensate is being sent to Distillery plant to reduce the distillery plant water consumption.
An Effluent Treatment Plant of capacity 825 m3/day with Anaerobic digester, Aerators and Clarifier, which is first of its kind, had been installed to treat the effluent generated from the sugar processing. The entire treated water meets the norms set by the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board and the treated water is used for our R&D cane field irrigation purpose.