The Company was the initiator ofhigh-pressure co-gen concepts in the sugar industry. This concept uses the available excess bagasse and exports additional power to the government grid.
RajshreeSugars is the first sugar mill in India to introduce 110 ata operating pressure boilers in the industry co-generation. This helps to achieve higher boiler efficiency.
RSCL has complete sugar mill automation with centralised DCS. The sugar mill complex can be operated from a single control room.
The company established modified incineration technology for the complete burning of concentrated spent wash economically.
The new green field distillery factory(Unit-3) operates with complete re-cycling of water generated from the sugar cane process with zero percentage effluent disposal.
The company also pioneered the SAP module for cane management system which helps to computerize the whole system of cane indenting, weighing and payment process.
RajshreeSugars was the first to introduce organic compositing using ‘Solid State Fermentation’ technology.
RSCL Green Plus organic manure and Bio-products are certified as ‘Organic’ by SKAL International, Netherlands as they are eco-friendly and conform to the European standards for pesticide residues and heavy metals.
RSCL’s R&D unit is recognized by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India.
RSCL was awarded the ‘Best Sugar Factory for Sugar Cane Development’ for the years 2000-01 and 2001-02 by the South Indian Sugar and Sugarcane Technologists Association (SISSTA).
RSCL was awarded the ‘Best Sugar Factory Performance Award’ for the year 2003-04 and 2004-05 by South Indian Sugar and Sugarcane Technologists Association (SISSTA).
RSCL was awarded ‘Best Co-generation Award’ for the season 2011-12 by South Indian Sugar and Sugarcane Technologists Association (SISSTA).
RSCL was the first sugar factory in India to be registered with UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) as a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project under the Kyoto Protocol and generate carbon credits by reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from its co-generation plant.
RSCL was the first sugar factory to pioneer the use of air-cooled condensers instead of water-cooled condensers in its co-generation plant to reduce water consumption by 86%.
RSCL recycles water naturally available in sugarcane juice to meet the entire sugar processing requirement in its most recently established sugar factory.
It recycles 1200m3 of water per day in the distillery unit, reducing 70% of water consumption in the alcohol manufacturing process.
RSCL was the first sugar factory to pioneer the use of high pressure boiler systems up to 110 Kg/cm2 to maximise the power to fuel ratio in co-generation plants.
RSCL was the first sugar factory to pioneer bio-composting as a zero pollution solution to treat effluent discharge from a distillery by combining it with press mud from a sugar factory in an anaerobic process, returning micro-nutrient rich organic manure to the soil for sustainable agriculture.