Employee Welbeing


To enhance the quality of life of employees


Building up a positive atmosphere in family and workplace

Target Group Specific Objective
Employees Enabling them to accept challenges with an open mind
And give them a better understanding of their feelings
Employees’ Spouse To enable employees spouses to be supportive in the family  in terms of financial and emotional aspects
Employees’ Children Educating employees’ children to be responsible individuals who could be role models for their future generation.


  • Youth Development
  • Relationship
  • Balancing Family and Work Life
  • Child Rearing Practices

Keeping in mind these focus areas the following INTERVENTION PROGRAMMES were/ are being organised to achieve the overall objective.



Intervention is categorised into development & problem oriented counselling. Intervention helps employees to vent out their pent up feelings and also plan for their self development and development in their families.

Home visits

Home visits are made to employees’ houses to build up a good rapport with the families and this is also taken up as a follow up of counselling or training programmes.

Referral services

Referral is done to appropriate agencies whenever the need arises with the support of local Non- Govt Organisation.

Training programme on “Quality of Life”

This training programme focussing on the holistic development of the family was organised during the sensing phase to understand the culture of the place and build up a rapport.

Training programme on “Parenting”

This need based programme is for the employees and spouses. This focusses on educating employees about healthy parenting patterns.

Pre-retirement counselling programmes

This programme is organised for the retiring employees and their spouse. This focusses on giving inputs on physical, psychological and financial well being.

Mass awareness programmes

Mass awareness programmes are organised for employees & their families addressing specific issues. Programmes like “ways to succeed in life” & “world health day” celebrations were organised.